NUWARD SMR is a small power plant based on proven Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) technology. The NUWARD SMR is designed to be robust, safe, simple, standardised to reduce the construction time, meet the highest international safety standards and to be exportable internationally without requiring significant changes to the design. The NUWARD SMR Project has set out ambitions objectives, which are achievable if we anticipate and manage the critical project steps for licensing.

Genesis of the Joint Early Review
EDF announced on the 2nd June 2022 that NUWARD SMR will be the case study for a European Early Joint regulatory Review (JER), an innovative initiative led by the French Safety Authority (ASN) with the participation of the Czech (SUJB) and Finnish (STUK) safety authorities.
This preliminary review is essential for NUWARD SMR, in order to anticipate the regulator’s expectations in the European countries where the NUWARD SMR technology may be developed. With the Joint Early Review, NUWARD SMR encourages international collaboration on safety and licensing.

Review of exchanges
Between June 2022 and June 2023, a series of technical exchanges took place between EDF, NUWARD, ASN, SUJB, STUK and two of their technical and scientific support organisations IRSN and SURO. These early discussions, which took place outside and ahead of any formal licensing process, have enabled us to receive early feedback from these regulators that will benefit design studies.

Ongoing exchanges
Based on this successful first-of-its-kind experience, NUWARD and an extended group of European regulators have launched the second phase of the Joint Early Review in December this year. The group of initial safety authorities has now been joined by the regulators from Sweden (SSM), Poland (PAA) and the Netherlands (ANVS).